Navy acronyms list
AA Anti-aircraft
ACB Accident combat
ACC ACCident-unidentified
ACF Accident due to Fire
BACR Barrier Crash
BB Bomb Blast
BBDF Bomb Blast Destroyed by Fire
BD Battle damage
BEX Bailed out due to Explosion
BLAS Bailed out-Lost At Sea
BLS Blade Strike
BMAC Bailed out due to Mid Air Collision
BMACEF Bailed out Mid Air Collision due to Engine Failure
BMACW Bailed out Mid Air Collison due to Weather
BO Bail Out
BOCR Bailed Out -CRashed
BODF Bailed Out-Destroyed by Fire
BOEF Bailed Out-Engine Failure
BOEFB Bailed Out Engine Failure due to Bird strike
BOEFW Bailed Out Engine Failure due to Weather
BOEX Bailed Out due to EXplosion
BOF Bailed Out due to Fire
BOFF Bailed Out due to Friendly Fire
BOMAC Bail Out, Mid Air Collision
BOMF Bailed Out due to Mechanical Failure
BOMFW Bailed Out due to Mechanical Failure/ Weather
BOMIS Bailed Out/Missing In Service
BOoG Bailed Out Out of Gas
BOoGW Bailed Out Out of Gas due to Weather
BOSF Bailed Out due to Structural Failure
BOSSP Bailed Out due to Stall/ SPin
BOW Bailed Out due to Weather
BSL Blade Sail
C Crash
CBL Crashed Belly Landing
CBLB Crash Belly Landed due to Bird strike
CBLDF Crash Belly Landing Destroyed by Fire
CBLEF Crashed Belly Landing due to Engine Failure or Fire
CBLEFoG Crash Belly Landing Engine Fail Out of Gas
CBLEX Crash Belly Landing due to EXplosion
CBLF Crash Belly Landing Fire
CBLFF Crashed Belly Landing due to Friendly Fire
CBLMAC Crash Belly Landing due to Mid Air Collision
CBLMF Crash Belly Landing due to Mechanical Failure
CBLoG Crash Belly Landing Out of Gas
CBLoGW Crash Belly Landing out of Gas due to Weather
CBLSF Crash Belly Landing due to Struct Failure
CBLTO Crash Belly Landing on Take Off
CBLW Crashed Belly Landing due to Wether
CGO Collision, Ground Obstacle
CHT Crash Hovering Test
CLGC Crashed Lack of Ground Cushion
CLRRPM Crashed Low Rotor RPM
CLWS Crash Landing Wire Strike
CMRF Crashed Main Rotor Failure
CPARL Crashed Practicing Auto Rotation Landing
CR CRash [of unknown type]
CRDF CRashed Destroyed by Fire
CREF CRashed due to Engine Failure
CREFTO Crashed due to Engine Failure on Take Off
CREFW Crashed due to Engine Failure due to Weather
CREX Crashed due to Explosion
CREXBB CRashed due to EXplosion due to Bomb Blast
CRF CRashed due to Fire
CRFF Crashed due to Friendly Fire
CRGC CRash Ground Collision- where pilot flew plane into water, ground or mtn, not due to stall/ spin,
CRL CRash Landing- fire, structural failure, mid air collision, engine failure, etc aka CFIT
CRLDF CRash Landing Destroyed by Fire
CRLEF CRash Landing Engine Failure
CRLEX CRash Landing EXploded on ground
CRLFF CRash Landing due to Friendly Fire
CRLMF CRash Landing Mechanical Failure
CRLOC Crashed loss of control
CRLoG CRash Landing Out of Gas
CRLoGW Crash Landing out of Gas due to Weather
CRLSF CRash Landing Struactural Failure
CRLTO Crash Landing on Take Off
CRLW CRash Landing Weather
CRMF CRash due to Mechanical Failure
CRoG CRashed Out of Gas
CRoGW CRash Landing Out of Gas Weather
CRSF CRashed due to Structural Failure
CRT CRashed on Take off- when an aircraft cleared the Base perimeter
CRTDF CRashed on Take off, Destroyed by Fire
(was airborne for some distance before coming down. See TOA)
CRTEF CRashed on Take off Engine Failure
CRTEX CRashed on Take off Explosion
CRTF CRashed on Take off due to Fire
CRTMF CRashed on Take off Mechanical Failure
CRToG Crashed on Takeoff out of Gas
CRTW CRashed on Take off Weather
CRU Crash of undetermined cause
CRW CRashed due to Weather conditions
CTRF Crashed Tail Rotor Failure
CTRS Crashed Tail Rotor Strike
DECR Deck Crash
DF Destroyed by Fire on ground
DFEF Destroyed by Fire due to Engine Fire
DMAC Destroyed due to Mid Air Collision
DTC Ditched
DTCEF Ditched due to Engine Failure
DTCFF Ditched due to Friendly Fire
DTCMF Ditched due to Mechanical Failure
DTCoG Ditched Out of Gas
DTCW Ditched due to weather
DTRF Ditched Tail Rotor Failure
EA Enemy action
EAA Enemy anti-aircraft
EF Engine Failure or Engine Fire
EFDF Engine Failure Destroyed by Fire
EFF Engine Failure & Fire
EMS Enemy strafing
EX EXplosion
EXCR EXplosion & CRash
EXDF EXplosion Destroyed by Fire
F Fire [used as a suffix]
F Fire
FDWL Fuselage Damaged While Landing
FF Friendly Fire [shoot down]
FKMF Fire Killed due to Mechanical Failure
FL Forced Landing
FLAC Forced Landing ACcident
FLBS Forced Landing Bird Strike
FLDF Forced Landing Destroyed by Fire
FLEF Forced Landing due to Engine Failure
FLEFDF Forced Landing due to Engine Failure, Destroyed by Fire
FLEFF Forced Landing [repeat of FLEF ?]
FLEFW Forced Landing due to Engine Failure by Weather
FLEX Forced Landing EXplosion in air
FLF Forced Landing due to Fire in air
FLL Forced Landing Lost
FLMAC Forced Landing due to Mid Air Collision
FLMF Forced Landing Mechanical Failure
FLMFoG Forced Landing Mechanical Failure/ Out of Gas
FLoG Forced Landing Out of Gas
FLoGW Forced Landing Out of Gas/Weather
FLSF Forced Landing Structural Failure
FLW Forced Landing due to Weather
GAC Ground ACcident
GACBB Ground Accident due to Bomb Blast
GACDF Ground ACcident, Destroyed by Fire
GACEF Ground ACcident due to Engine Failure
GACEXF Ground ACcident, Explosion & Fire
GACF Ground ACcident Fire
GACFF Ground ACcident due to Friendly Fire
GACMF Ground Accident due to Mechanical Failure
GACW Ground Accident Weather
GACX Ground ACcident due to eXplosion
GDF Ground accident Destroyed by Fire
GEF Ground accident caused by Engine Failure
GEX Ground accident caused by EXplosion
GEXDF Ground accident caused by Explosion Destroyed by Fire
GEXF Ground Explosion and Fire
GF Ground Accident Fire
GL Ground Looped
GLDF Ground Loop Destroy by Fire
GLEF Ground Loop due to Engine Failure
GLEFTO Ground Looped due to Engine Failure on Take Off
GLEFX Ground Looped due to Engine Failure, eXplosion
GLF Ground Loop due to Fire
GLMF Ground Loop Mechanical Failure
GLTO Ground Looped on Take Off
GLTOA Ground Looped on Take Off Accident
GLW Ground Looped due to Weather
GLX Ground Looped due to Explosion
GMAC Ground Collision
GMACTO Ground Mid Air Collision on Take Off
GMF Ground accident due to Mechanical failure
GR Ground Resonance
GyACC Gunnery ACCident
INT INTerned
KBMAC Killed Bailing out due to Mid Air Collsion
KBO Killed, Bail Out
KBOEF Killed, Bail Out due to Engine Failure
KBOF Killed while Bailing Out due to Fire
KBOMAC [same as above]
KBOoG Killed, Bail Out out of Gas
KBOSF Killed while Bailing Out due to Structural Failure
KCBL Killed, Crash Belly Landing
KCBLEF Killed, Crash Belly Landing Engine Failure
KCR Killed in a CRash
KCRBB Killed in a CRash due to Bomb Blast
KCRDF Killed in a CRash Destroyed by Fire
KCREF Killed in CRash due to Engine Failure
KCREX Killed in CRash due to EXplosion
KCRF Killed in CRash due to onboard Fire
KCRFF Killed in a Crash, Friendly Fire [shoot down]
KCRGC Killed in Crash Ground Collision, see note on CRGC
KCRL Killed in CRash Landing
KCRLDF Killed in Crash Landing Destroyed by Fire
KCRLEF Killed in CRash Landing Engine Failure
KCRLF Killed in CRash Landing due to Fire
KCRLog Killed in CRash Landing out of Gas
KCRLW Killed in CRash Landing due to Weather
KCRMF Killed in CRash Mechanical Failure
KCRMR Killed in a CRash due to Mechanical or Material Failure
KCRog Killed in CRash out of Gas
KCRSF Killed in a CRash due to structural failure
KCRT Killed, CRashed on Take off
KCRTDF Killed in Crash on Take Off Destroyed by Fire
KCRTEF Killed CRash on Take off Eng Failure
KCRTEX Killed CRash on Take off EXplosion
KCRTMF Killed, CRashed on Take off Mechanical Failure
KCRTX Killed CRash on Take off EXplosion
KCRW Killed in a CRash due to Weather
KCRX Killed in CRash due to eXplosion
KDEF Killed-Destroyed due to Engine Failure
KDF Killed aircraft Destroyed by Fire
KDFF Killed Destroyed by Friendly Fire
KDTC Killed in Ditching the aircraft
KDTCFF Killed while Ditching due to Friendly Fire
KEF Killed due to Engine Failure
KEFW Killed due to Engine Failure/Weather
KEX Killed due to EXplosion
KEXFF Killed EXplosion due to Friendly Fire
KEXMF Killed due to Explosion due to Mechanical Failure
KEXSF Killed EXplosion due to Struct Failure
KFCR Killed due to in air Fire-Crashed
KFL Killed in a Forced Landing
KFLEF Killed in a Foreced Landing Engine Failure
KFLEX Killed in a Forced Landing EXplosion
KFLoG Killed in a Forced Landing out of Gas
KGAC Killed, Ground ACcident
KGEX Killed in Ground Explosion
KLAC Killed, Landing ACcident
KLACEF Killed in a Landing Accidnet due to Engine Failure
KLACoG Killed in a Landing Accident out of Gas
KLAS Killed, Lost At Sea
KLEX Killed, Lost due to EXplosion
KMAC Killed, Mid Air Collision
KMACB Killed due to a Mid Air Collision with a Bird
KMACTO Killed, Mid Air Collision on Take Off
KMAX Killed Mid Air Explosion
KMF Killed, Mechanical Failure
KMFDF Killed due to Mechancial Failure-Destroyed by Fire
KMIS Killed in a MISsing aircraft
KPARL Killed Practising Auto Rotation Landings
KSD Killed due to Structural Damage
KSF Killed due to Structural Failure
KSFEX Killed due to Structural Fail cause EXplosion
KSR Killed [look the Accident up]
KSSP Killed, Stall / SPin
KTAC Killed in a Taxiing ACcident
KTACW Killed due to a Taxiing Accident caused by Weather
KTOA Killed in a Take Off Accident
KTOADF Killed in a Take Off Accident-Destroyed by Fire
KTOAEF Killed in Take Off Accident due to Engine Failure
KTOAX Killed in a Take Off Accident due to Explosion
KXCR Killed due to eXplosion and CRash
LAC Landing ACcident
LACC Launch accident
LACDF Landing ACcident Destroyed by Fire
LACEF Landing ACcident due to Engine Failure
LACEX Landing Accident Explosion
LACF Landing ACcident due to Fire
LACGC Landing Accident Ground Collision
LACGL Landing ACcident causing a Ground Loop
LACLL Landing ACcident Landed Long
LACLS Landing ACcident Landed Short
LACMF Landing ACcident due to Mechanical Fail
LACoG Landing ACcident out of Gas
LACSF Landing ACcident due to Structural Failure
LACW Landing ACcident due to Weather
LACWL Landing accident water looped
LAS Lost At Sea
LASEF Lost At Sea due to Engine Failure
LCRF Lost-CRash due to Fire
LCRL Lost-CRash Landing
MAC Mid Air Collision
MACB Mid Air Collision with Bird
MACBL Mid Air Collision with resulting Belly Landing
MACBZ Mid Air Collision Buzzing
MACCBL Mid Air Collision with resulting Belly Landing
MACCR Mid-Air Collision causing a CRash
MACCRL Mid Air Collision with resulting Crash Landing
MACEF Mid Air Collision due to Engine Failure
MACL Mid Air Collision with resulting Crash Landing
MACRL Mid-Air Collision causing a cRash Landing
MACT Mid Air Collision with tow Target
MACTO Mid-Air Collision during Take Off
MACW Mid-Air Collision due to Weather
MAF Mid Air Fire
MCRL Mid-Air Collision causing a CRash Landing
MDTC Missing Ditched
MEA Missing enemy action
MEC Mechanical
MF Mechanical Failure
MFDF Mechanical Failure Destroyed by Fire
MFEF Mechanical Failure due to Engine Fire
MFF Missing due to Friendly Fire
MFFF Mechanical Failure due to Friendly Fire
MFL MIA flak
MFW Mechanical Failure due to Weather
MIS Missing In Service [often a MACR]
MISEA Missing Enemy Action
MISEF Missing In Service Engine Failure
MISFF MISsing due to Friendly Fire
MISoG Missing out of Gas
MISW Missing due to Weather
MLAC [look this one up]
MMAC Missing due to a Mid air Collision
NBD Non Battle Damage
NBF Non Battle Fire
PE Pilot Error
PI Personal Injury
SF Structural Failure
SFDF Structural Failure, Destroyed by Fire
SFEF Structural Failure due to Engine Fire
SFW Structural Failure due to Weather conditions
SSP Stall /SPin
SWO Spin Wave-off
TAC Taxiing ACcident
TACDF Taxiing ACcident later Destroyed by Fire
TACEF Taxiing ACcident due to Engine Failure
TACF Taxiing ACcident Fire
TACGC Taxiing Accident Ground Collision
TACGL Taxiing Accident causing a Ground Loop
TACMF Taxiing ACcident due to Mechanical Fail
TACSF Taxiing ACcident due to Structural Failure
TACTO Taxiing Accident during Take Off
TACW Taziing Accident due to Weather
TACX Taxi Accident resulting in Explosion
TOA Take Off Accident, generally means that the a/c did not leave the ground
TOACBL Take Off Accident resulting in Crash Belly Landing
TOADF Take Off Accident Destroyed by Fire
TOAEF Take Off Accident due to Engine Failure (the a/c got into the air)
TOAEX Take Off Accident, EXplosion
TOAF Take Off Accident due to Fire
TOAFX Take Off Accident, Fire and eXplosion
TOAGL Take-Off Accident Ground Looped. The a/c didn't leave the confines of the Air Base.
TOAMF Take Off Accident due to Mechanical Failure
TOASF Take Off Accident Structural Failure
TOASSP Take Off Accident Stall /SPin
TOAW Take Off Accident Weather
TOAWL Take-off accident water looped
TOAX Take Off Accident due to eXplosion
TOMAC Take Off Mid Air Coll
TRF Tail Rotor Failure
TRS Tail Rotor Strike
W Weather related accident
WAC Weather related Accident
WO Wave-Off