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Aleutian Ventura's accident list

Prepared by Boris Ilchenko, based on Craig Fuller's list (

War Diaries and Aircraft Action Reports of VP/VPB 131, 135, 136, 139, 199, NAS Whidbey Island, Fleet Air Wings Four and Six, FAW 4 and 6 Hedrons, COMNORPACFOR.
Ralph Wetterhahn’s list from his book “The Last Flight of Bomber 31” (RW)

1. Date
2. BuNo/Squadron Code (if confirmed)
3. Plane Commander, Squadron, Base
4. Damage amount (A through E: A- destroyed, E- minor damage)
5. Type of accident (Navy abbreviation with explanation)
6. Type of mission
7. Crew

All BuNos are of PV-1 aircrafts except where indicated otherwise.

1/16/43 29732 (George R. Milliken, OTU, NAS Whidbey Island) LAC E landing practice.

Dickey, W. M., Turnipseed D. C., 2 other unknown.

1/29/43 29730 (Dickey Willie M.,Hedron NAS Whidbey Island) LACW C -Landing accident due to weather, major repairs are necessary. Instruction for pilot check out. Bermingham, John E., Clark, Jackson W, Morton, Jackson W.

1/29/43 29844 TOAEF C Lockheed factory

2/1/43 29830 KLACDF A Ferry over Davis- Monthan AZ

2/9/43 29793 of FAW 6 crashed in San Francisco Bay
Ens Thomas F. Ewing, Ens George J. Schulte, Ed L. Summers Jr. ARM2c, John Welch Jr. AMM3c

2/27/43 29738 (Gaskell, C.W., Hedron, NAS Whidbey Island) TOAEF A. Emergency landing on training flight, overrun the runway, a/c damaged beyond repair, both engines salvaged. Crew uninjured.
Brownlie, J. W., Ring, A. H., Beck, R. G.

3/14/43 29733 (Milliken, George R, Hedron NAS Whidbey Island) KMAC A. Collided in midair with P-38. Both planes completely demolished, pilots and crew killed.
Bamann, Walter R., Bennet, Gerald S., Krencitrock, J.B., Jeffreys, Thomas J.,
Plaia, Frank A.

3/18/43 29791 (Coonan, John J., NAS Whidbey Island) TAC A. On administration flight while taxiing retracted wheels by mistake. The plane caught fire and burned, crew OK.
Conners J. J., Larson, R. R., Jones, K. K., Olson, L. B.

4/1/43 29735 (VB-136) NAS Whidbey Island TOAEF A, takeoff accident, engine failure. Training flight.
Ortman, Oliver, Deiss, E, Linville, G. A., Zanoni, G. L.

4/29/43 33136 (VB-139) NAS Whidbey Island KTOA A. Test flight.
Bipe, Travis A., Brink, Bruce D., Judy, Arthur M. Jr., Forrest, George E

5/1/43 29739​ (VB-135​, NAS Adak​) GACF​C​, Major repairs are necessary
Lt. (jg) Gaskell. Mildly damaged on the ground by fire.

5/4/43 29768 (VB-136 J. W. Morse, NAF Amchitka) LAC A Patrol
Morsan, C. B., Stade, N. C., Wiliams, H. G., Kressen, J. H.

Note, that the following day,
5/5/43 29768 (VB-136), 29739 (VB-135), and 29749 (VB-136) were transferred to Hedron, and were renamed X5, X6, and 14V, respectively. (FAW4 Diary)

Craig Fuller:

For 29768, the USN Loss list has:
5/4/1943 PV-1 29768 VB-135 ADAK ALASKA NORPAC
The loss code is 2 5 L which stands for: Search or reconnaissance mission in a war area; operational aircraft accident; weather.
The aircraft history card shows it first assigned to VB-135 3/22/43, then there is an entry for 5/4/43 that just says VB-135—this is common to see for the date the plane was actually lost, though it usually has “Loss Date” next to it like the following entry for 7/8/43. I am going to go out on a limb and say that after the accident, VB-135 kept 29768 on the books (possibly thinking of repairing it???), but finally decided to drop it from inventory on 7/8/43. The 8/31/43 STRICKEN entry is the date the aircraft was formally dropped from USN inventory. It is normal to see a plane formally dropped the following month from the date it was actually dropped from inventory (though sometimes I see it the same month, and sometimes a couple months after—and occasionally many months later!).

5/10/43 29847/9 (Lt (j.g) Owen L. Parmenter, VB-136) MIS A- did not return from operational search.
Ens. Elton W. Cooke, Robert S. Matthews, AMM3c, Frank S. Tall, AMM3c, John R. McClennan, ARM3c

5/10/43 29794/5 (Lt (j.g.) Robert J. Molloy, VB-136) crashed into Kuluk Bay, Adak, in bad weather while returning from rescue search for Parmenter's a/c.
Ens Ralph G. Wingfield, John Renzow, ARM3c, Robert D. Rickey, AMM3c, Benedict J. Boruch, AMM3c

5/14/43 33142 (Lt (jg) Byron. L. Lough, VB-138, NAS Whidbey Island) MIS A- missing following departure on navigational flight. In a heavy weather the plane hit Mt. Washington near it's top.
Lt (jg) W. S. Sledge, F. H. Blanck, AMM3c, T. W. McAllister, AOM3c, R. S. Youngblood, ARM3c

5/16/43 29746/16 (Kassel, Jack J., VB-135 NAF Amchitka) LACW- landing accident due to weather.  Weather reconnaissance. Destroyed completely on 5/23 (see below)
Dingle, J. A., Wolpin, C. B., Peterson, N. E., Clement, A. J., Reed, H.​


5/23/43 29787/21(Grant T. Anderson, VB-135 NAF Amchitka): KTOAEX A- crash on takeoff.
The pilot, thinking he was airborne, pulled up the landing gear. In the resulting fire one of the 500 pound bombs exploded. Ens. Peter P. Patterson and Alvin D. Shaver, AMM3c, were killed. Quick action on the part of a nearby Army B-24 saved the lives of three of the plane crew: Decker, C. B.; Merrill, Arthur C.; Scott, Vernon G.​

5/23/43 29746/16 (VB-135), damaged in LACW on 5/16 and parked on the side of the runway, was hit by Anderson’s a/c and completely destructed.

6/10/43 29803 (W. G. King, VB-136, NAS Whidbey Isl) ACC C Weather recon flight Most likely, this was an incident, described in War History of VB-136 as a demonstration of Ventura's rugged construction (no date indicated): During instrument approach to Adak, flying at 35 ft, the radar suddenly gave an indication. The pilot executed sharp pull-up over the water, and caught one wing in the water. The plane was badly shaken up, but came through and landed safely. Inspection showed, that the entire empennage was severely damaged, all the rivets have been sheared, and the fairing alone held the structure in place.

6/10/43 33215 (Rice, Dixon B., Hedron FAW-6, NAS Whidbey Isl) LAC C Anti-submarine & fixed gunnery training​
Richards, R., Wright, C., Wood, A., Steeples, G., Kirkwood, R.​

6/11/43 29776/23  (A. W. Havu, VB-135, NAF Amchitka) FLW C (Forced landing due to the weather, Ogliuga Island) Weather reconnaissance & Patrol.​
McDonald, D. F., Simonson, M. S., Montoya, P. L., Andrus, A. J., Wyatt, J. R.

6/25/43 29734​ (Scholer, Vernon E., HEDRON FAW-6, NAS Whidbey Isl) SF C (structural failure)
NAS Widbey Island, near. High speed test - popped rivets​
Mellow, Gene​

6/26/43 29743/15 (VB-135, Amchitka) cracked up on landing due to landing gear failure, destroyed. No injuries to personnel.



















Click on the image to enlarge

6/28/43 29737/2 (Claude W. Gaskell, VB-135, Amchitka) LACW C(?)-  Landing accident, water looped. Bombing mission to Kiska.
Browlie, J. W.,  Page, H. D., Molten, A. C., King, A. H., Anderson, W. D., Cline, F. E.​
The plane was repaired and as of 11/1/43 flew as VB-136/5(R3)

7/11/43 PV-1 33129 (Rolland A. Bannister HEDRON, FAW-6, NAS Whidbey) LAC C
Allan, B. C., Harris, E. E., Keller, J. E., Kyler, D. V.​

7/31/43 33135 (D. C. Walton, HEDRON FAW6, Clover Valley Field, NAS Whidbey) TOAGL C .Take-off accident, ground looped. Training​ flight.
George, H. W., Roberts, R. A.​

8/19/43 34637 (J. L. Rehill, VB-139 NAS Whidbey Isl) ACC C- accident-unidentified, over Everette during instrument training flight.
Bratton, Melvin C.,  Mantius, H. K.,  Rowles, C. G., Becker, G. W., Anderson, D. A., Aspenwall, H. M.

8/24/43 29770/7 (John J. Connors, VB-136, NAF Adak) LAGC- Landing accident- ground collision. Patrol flight. No casualties.

8/29/43 34637 (Lt Cmdr. R. R. Beacham, VB-139) MIS A- missing from routine flight from NAS Whidbey to Navy Areas 3-4-5.
Ens Charles E. Nestor, Carl E. Brown, AMM3c, Robert W. Gray, AOM3c, Peter D. Lavalle, ARM3c, Livio E. De Marco, AMM3c

9/1/43 33282​ (William R.  Wallis, VB-146 FAW-6, NAS Whidbey Isl) ACC D- accident, unidentified, over Bellingham.
Instrument training.
Barber, J. P., Porter, H. J., Garcia, F., Andrews, J. E., Brookman, R. C.​

9/11/43 29769/14 or 19? (Philip G. Marquart, VB-135) LCRF B- Lost in crash, destroyed by fire. Shemya Island, patrol flight.
Anderson, Douglas M. , Morton, Jackson W., Rasche, B. C., Welker, H. H., Roberts, H. L., Ivie, R. D.

9/24/43 29734 (Lewis A. Patteson, Hedron) Landing accident NAS Whidbey, training flight. No casualties.
Clark, Jackson W.​

Pat: "It was a night, training flight when we landed in a rain storm. I hit a parked plane with my port wing tip.  They replaced the the nav light and patched the wingtip. That's the only training damage I recall". 

9/25/43 33133/8V (Lt (j.g.) Hobert H. Throckmorton VB-136) KTOA-crashed on takeoff for a local training flight into Sweeper's Cave, Adak. "Throck" was cartoonist.
Killed: Hobert H. Throckmorton, Albert G. Toth, AMM2c, Stanley C. Eftimoff, ARM3c, Franklin H. Bohannan, ACMM (PA). Survivors: Lt. (jg) Claude E. McKinney, John A. Rogers, ARM1c

9/26/43 29729 (C. W. Lindell , Hedron FAW-6, NAS Whidbey Isl) CBLF A -caught fire as a result of ground loop upon landing. Crew OK, plane lost. Navigation training flight.
Hart, S. D., Meerians, Pillip B., Anderson, Herbert A. M., Moddox, Daniel F.​

10/11/43 33118/4V (Lt. Brooks VB-136) CBLMF C wheels-up landing on Shemya, hydraulic system failure. Repaired by 11/9, and flown back to Attu with the crew of stricken 3V. Flown for overhaul to Adak on 11/13/43. Substituted by 29806 on 11/17/43

11/9/43 33140/3V (Samuel Dinsmore VB-136) LACMF A one- engine landing on Shemya, stricken off the record. One man received slight abrasion.
Reunolds, B. A., Merlin, J. A., Rider, E. I., Lindenmuth, E., Matuscak, J. J., Keith, L. W., Clemenson, R. A. Photo-Wetterhahn, p. 49

12/9/43 33346/34V (Ens. Edward M. Watson, VP-139 Det, Attu) TOADF A- skidded on runway, destroyed by fire. Patrol.
Ens. Brigham, Earnest T., Nielson, Rolf L. U. ARM2c, Goodrum, William R. AMM2c, Brinkerhoff, Russell A. AOM2c, Wilson, Herschell Jr.​ AOM3c; no critical injuries.

12/16/43 34636/31V (Albert G. Neal, VB-139 Det, NAS Attu) LAC A- landed high and long, ran off the runway, destroyed by fire. Minor injuries to the crew, the plane stricken off for parts. Patrol flight.
Burnham, True B., Craig, James C., Chenow, Donald D., Tippet, William N.​

12/18/43 29769 (William L. Sparks, Hedron FAW-6, NAS Whidbey Isl) LAC A -Landing accident on familiarization flight, no casualties.
Cox, Robert H., Bishop, Merle H., McCall, James E., Bromm, Richard A., Daher, Joseph S.​

12/26/43 29736 (Lt Joseph R. Cranny, FAW-6, NAS Whidbey Isl Ault field) MIS A- failed to return from navigation flight.
Ens Charles H. Schonefelder, Joseph I. Winslow, AOM3c, Joseph H. Anderson, AOM3c, Ernest L. Morgan, AMM2c, Robert L. Maguet, ARM3c

12/30/43 34774/34R (Lt. Verle C. Austin, VB-139) CRLoG B- At 18:48 crash-landed on Cape Sebak, Aggatu, 3/4 mile north west of radar station. Crew returned to base aboard YP400 on 12/31/43, minor injuries to 2.
Fowler, Sidney M., Russo, Leonard P., Miller, Jacon, Parranti, Anthony J., Kelly, Richard M., Kennedy, John T.​

1/20/44 29795 ​(Jack B. English, HEDRON FAW-6, NAS Whidbey Isl) LAC C​.
Night Radio & Instrument training.
Stepter, C. R., Anderson, M. C., Sauka, W. C., Piro, E. S., Bushall, L. C.



3/25/44 33343/28 (Lt. James P. Moore, VB-139) KTOA A -crashed in Massacre Bay 3/4mi. off end of runway upon takeoff. Operational flight. Photo-Scrivner, p. 31​. Survived: Lt. J. H. Moore, Lt (jg) Joseph P. Smith, Carl F. Olesen, AMM2c.
Killed: Gordon F. Heckendorn, ARM2c; Victor O.​ Mog, AMM2c, Ens. Mitchell F. Lambert, Ens. Robert E. Janson.

3/25/44 34641/33 (Lt. Walt Whitman, VB-139) crashed on Mutnovsky Volcano, USSR (Photos: Scrivner, p. 42, Wetterhahn, p. 87. The “Last Flight of Bomber 31” is actually, about Bomber 33!)
Lt (jg) John W. Hanlon, Donald G. Lewallen, AM2c, Clarence C. Fridley, AMM2c, Samuel L. Crown, ARM3c, James S. Palko, AOM3c, Jack J. Parlier, AerM2c

3/27/44 33129 (R. P. Bone, Hedron, NAS Whidbey Island) Taxiing accident , night illumination flight.
Mantle, G. W., Crow, F. L., Horvath, J. E., Sommes, L. E., Gelber, S. S., Hewitt, R. W.​

4/12/1944 33121 (Lt. Comdr. Justus U. Steele, VB-131 or HEDRON FAW-6? NAS Whidbey Island) KTOAD F- Crashed from 100 ft. after take- off, Ault field. Test flight.
R. H. Blackwell, ACMM, Floyd W. Woody, AMM2/c

4/16/44 48880 (J. J. McNulty, VB-135) F-suffered major damage by Army handling during a hangar fire in Yakutat enroute to Adak. The plane was transferred to Seattle, WA for overhaul.

4/27/44 48937 (J. J. McNulty, VB-135) KTOAEF A -lost at sea with all hands (Killed on take-off, engine failure) Special test search SW of Adak.
Rocke, James G., Sellers, Leroy M., Jackson, Richard L.,  Czaplick, Roman C.,  Duffin, James J., Gartland, James L., How, William B.

*(RW) 5/1/44, 29749 VB-139: lost, circumstances unknown. Not confirmed by Squadron or FAW-4 docs! 

The USN loss list: 

5/1/1944 PV-1 29749 FAW-4 ADAK ALASKA NORPAC

The loss code is 3 8 P, which stands for: Not a combat flight in a war area; other losses, not to be used by combat units; other causes

5/5/44 48733/1  (Lt (jg) Alpheus A. Wheat, VB-135) MIS A. Radio Tokyo confirmed one plane shot down over Northern Kuriles.
Ens Wm. W. Schatzer, Ens Roger Iani, Wm. M. Austin, AMM2c, Theodore Green, ARM1c, Marion J. Catt, AOM2c

5/12/44 48934/9 (Lt Hardy V. Logan Jr., VB-135) MIS A 
Ens Anker K. Jeppesen, Ens Raymond Langton, Jr., Joseph E. Copeland, AMM2c, James L. Beaulieu, ARM2c, Donald J. Farrell, AOM3c

They were shot over the target by Nakajima J1N Gekko (月光 "Moonlight”) fighter of the 203rd Air Group (Kokutai) flown by Flight Chief Petty Officer Yasuro Baba and Flight Warrant Officer Yoji Amari at 2119, Japan time. Another Gekko flown by Flight Warrant Officer Masanobu Maehara and Flight 1st Petty Officer Kunizo Miyazaki did not return from the mission.


203 Ku ACA report


Aircraft 1  

前原眞信 Maehara Masanobu  WO (Hicho 飛長)

宮崎国三 Miyazaki Kunizo (CPO/Johiso 上飛曹)

Took off at 22:05

Did not return


Aircraft 2

馬場康邦 Baba Yasuro (CPO/Johiso 上飛曹)

甘利洋司 Amari Yoji WO (Hicho 飛長)

Took off at 21:19

Shot down a Ventura over the ocean at 21:39

Returned at 22:05

5/18/44 34640/32 (Lt. Ralph J. Lowe, VB-139, NAS Attu, Casco Field) TOAFX A - crashed off the runway due to an engine failure on takeoff. Plane destroyed, crew OK. Routine patrol.

Brady, Philip J., Orchard, Earnest R., Correll, William L., Ore, Blaine E., Green, Glenn A.​​
















5/18/44 33433/36 (Lt. Quentin E. Norem, VB-139) CBL B. Sighted and attacked Jap picket boat 51-50N, 160-40E. Copilot Lt. (jg) Clifford M Tambs was killed during the 3d strafing run; hydraulic system was knocked out, unable to lock landing gears, belly landing.































5/23/44 48889/2 (Lt. (jg) Carl E Clark, VB-135) KTOAEX A- Crashed at sea off NAS Attu on takeoff, engine failure, all hands lost.
Lt (jg) Kemole White, Jr., Ens. Vernon A. Wagner, James W. Reeve, AMM3c, James J. Lee, AOM3c, Walter J. Burkowski, AMM2c, John Jalacic, ARM2c

6/4/44 29806 (Dore, Joseph Jr, HEDRON FAW-6, NAS Whidbey Isl) LAC C
Ault Field, Familiarization flight​

6/8/44 33357 (Lt Donald R. Newby, VB-131 NAS Whidbey Island) LAC B -crashed upon landing, undercarriage collapsed. Familiarization flight. Propellers, bomb bay doors and nacelles are damaged, crew OK.
Brock, John R., Panetti, W. A., Grimes, W. B., Martin, W. E., Fry, P. A., Overton, G. D.

6/8/44 29769 (Lt (jg) Elmo L. Shupe, VB-131, NAS Whidbey Island) LAC B -Landing accident- ground looped. Familiarization flight. Fuselage strained, crew OK.
Green, Joseph H., Scheibel, A. H., Cohoon, P. G.,Hustead, J. C., Street, W. E.​

6/12/44 48923/6  (J. W. Clark, VB-135) DTCoG- unable to orient himself in the fog over the target area for 45 min, jettisoned bombs and turned to the base. Ditched his plane north of Agattu because of the fog and lack of fuel, everybody was rescued by VP-400 mail flying boat. 

Miller, Berwin J., Mathers, John F., Simes, Hoyle A., Landsdowne, Richard T., Marker, Robert J., Rowe, Herbert C.

6/15/44 48910/9 (Lt. Russel P. Bone, VB-135): no communication since takeoff. Probably, reached the target before the other planes. Was seen by Vivian flying low south across Paramushiro Strait under intensive AA fire, making erratic maneuvers, and "was obviously in difficulty". Last seen turning toward Kataoka naval base. Landed safely in Petropavlovsk- Kamchatsky.
Ens Ralph W. Stevens, Ens Glenn W. Mantle, Laurence E. Sommers, AMM1c, Sam Gelber, ARM2c, Frank L. Crow, Jr., AMM3c, John P. Horvath, AOM3c

6/15/44 48930/11 (Lt. Howard. B. Schuette, VB-135)
Landed in Petropavlovsk.

Lt (jg) John E. Brassil, Ens Byron A. Morgan, Willie A. Donaway, AMM1c, John F. Beggin, AMM2c, Walter H. Morris, AOM2c, John E. Jage, ARM3c

6/19/44 48938/12 (Lt. George A. Mahrt, VB-135): Siphoned the fuel overboard during the mission to Paramushiro. Urgent msg "Out of gas, Russia".
Ens Richard M. Johnson, Ens William A. King, Clifford C. Patzke, ARM3c, William E. Dickson, AMM2c, Richard T. Everad, AOM2c, William D. Storm, AMM2c

7/10/44 48919 (VB-135) Accident, circumstances unknown.
This a/c was transferred from Hedron to VPB-136 on 3/9/45, where remained until 9/1/45 (VPB-136 war diary)

7/23/44 48928/7 (Lt. (jg) Jackson W. Clark, VB-135) landed in Petropavlovsk after being attacked by fighters, with bad starboard engine, low on fuel.
Ens John F. Mathers, Ens Berwyn J. Miller, Hoyle A. Simes, AMM1c, John Brennan, ARM2c (Milwaukee, WI), Herbert C. Rowe

7/23/44 49505 (VB-135) Crashed on Attu?
This a/c was transferred from Hedron to VPB-136 on 8/14/44

7/24/44 48909/2 (Lt John P. Vivian, VB-135)
attacked and sunk Jap picket boat, but suffered engine damage and proceeded to Petropavlovsk.
Ens David R. Wilson, Ens Thomas H. Edwards, Kenneth G. Anderson, AMM2c, Emil I. Nommensen, Jr., AOM2c, Paul J. Schasney, AMM2c, F. A. Vibrant, ARM2c

8/12/44 49525/81 (Lt. Carl W. Lindell, VB-136, NAS Attu)
FLOG A- Forced landing, out of gas. Landed in Petropavlovsk - starboard engine problems and low on fuel (500 gallons at the target area). With 3 other PV-1s, experienced difficulties with navigation (unexpected wind and unsatisfactory Loran reception) and made a landfall about 150 miles south of the target. Over Matsuwa Island all turned back.
Ens James S. Head, Ens Murlin K. Richardson, Henry H. Williamson, AMM1c, Cyril J. Brown, ARM3c, Russel L. Manthie, AOM3c

8/19/44 49507/75 (Lt. (Jg) Jack R. Cowles, VB-136)
CRLEX A- crash- landed on Lopatka, destroyed by explosion
Ens Leonard Panella, Jr., Ens Millard B. Parker, Harold R. Toney, ARM1c, John R. McDonald, AOM3c

8/27/44 49508/82 (Lt. (jg) John A. Dingle, VB-136)
attacked by 3 enemy fighters, proceeded to Petropavlovsk due to heavy battle damage.
Ens Emil M. Petterborg, Ens Eugene F. Dulan, Harvey H. Pollard, AOM2c, Charles D. Henry, AMM3c, Daniel Leintz, ARM3c

9/2/44 33135 (Lt Quentin E. Norem, VB-139, NAS Whidbey Island) TAC C- Taxiing accident, night bounce drill.
Meriwether, George K., Vick, Dale I., Osgood, Edwin J., Baker, Andrew J., Brown, James G.​

9/11/44 Lt. Everett H. Price, VB-136. While attacking a 4000-5000 ton freighter off Paramushiro, the plane was hit by flak fragments in the port engine, port aileron and starboard wing. Oil pressure in the port engine gradually dropped, and all unnecessary gear in the plane was jettisoned. Single engine operation for the last hour of flight, landed safely in Attu.

9/11/44 33278/11 (Lt. (jg) Darryl F. McDonald, VPB-135)
proceeded to Russia due to heavy damage from fighter attack.
Ens Kenneth G. Miles, Ens Donnie L. Broadwell, John W. Rosa, AMM1c, Jack G. Ross, AOM3c, W.F. Nicodemus, ARM2c

9/17/44 49472/73 (Lt. Cmdr. Charles Wayne, VPB-136) landed in Petropavlovsk due to battle damage from enemy fighters.
Lt. John W. Murph, Ens John E. Ehret, Robert P. Baxter, ACRM, Earl A. Mulford, AOM2c

10/15/44 33375 (Lt (jg) George R, Warnock VPB-131) LAC B Dragged the starboard wing on landing at Otter Point  in gusting wind enroute from Kodiak to Adak.  Crew OK. Wing replacement and multiple minor repairs required.

10/21/44 33404 VPB-199 NAS Whidbey Isl TAC C Training​

10/21/44 33418 (Potter, Ray C., VPB-199 NAS Whidbey Isl) TOA C Bounce drill
Dietz, Donald W., Harger, Jennings B.​

11/4/44 49641/94  (Lt. Robert A. Ellingboe, VPB-131) Exploded on contact with water after being hit by 5 Japanese fighters east of Paramushiro Strait. Diversion flight for photo planes.
Wife- Ruth A Ellingboe, 3602 N 10th St Milwaukee, WI
Crew: Ens Roy G. Bird, Ens Hoyt J. Overturf, Gilbert E. Marriott, ARM2c, Thomas D. Panetti, AMM3c, Charles E. Rutter, AOM3c
Port engine FP041180
Starboard engine FP04119

11/26/44 33112 (Lt. (jg) George H. Arbogust, VPB-199) ran off end of Runway 26, Ault field (Whidbey Island) when plane failed to become airborne due to the lack of flying speed. Considerable damage to a/c, personnel OK. Instrument training
Covell, Edgar L., Matejcik, Edward J., Periocolosi, James E., Gettis, John Q. F., Chesnutt, James L., Eastman, Kenneth L., Schwartz, Charles M.​

1/14/45 33380/? (Lt. Harry W. Taber, VPB-199) BO A. The plane went missing from routine gunnery mission from Whidbey Island. Last radar contact in the vicinity of Marblemount, WA (Casade Mountain Range).
Ens. Bruce Mayper, Ens. Rine Kruger Jr., Daniel Smotherman, AOM2c, Arthur E. Utech, ARM3c, Philip M. Bauer, AMM3/c. The following day Kruger and Utech were found alive; reported crew members had bailed out of the aircraft. 1/17; Bauer was found. 1/19 Taber was found. 1/20 Mayper and Smotherman were found, Mayper dead of exposure, Smotherman alive but suffering from exposure.

2/21/45 49654/96 (Lt John W Powers, VPB-131) BO A port engine damaged by debris from his own rockets over Minami Zaki, attempted to land PK, escorted by 3 other PVs. Lt Dawson in one of the escorting planes was probing the weather and could not break the fog at 200 feet. Powers turned back, the crew bailed out over Lopatka while on autopilot, heading north.
Lt.(jg) Charles M. Thomas Jr., Ens Wyley E. Pleasant, Robert C. Timperman AMM3c,  Ralph H. Mann ARM2c, Francis P. Hosner AOM2c

3/4/45 33414 (Lt. S. M. Ward, VPB-199, NAS Whidbey Island) Crashed in water in Admiralty Inlet near Greenbank, WA. Training flight- 30* dive angle rocket run.
Ens. R. C. Baker, Lt.(jg) S. B. Duffy Jr., J. W. Strenick, AOM3c, W. H. Smith, ARM3c,  E. A. Oliver, AMM3c, all killed.
Investigation revealed 100% structural failure, entire rocket-armed PV-1 fleet was grounded pending an internal structure check. The outer panels of all wings were removed, and as a result of the inspection, 7 PV-1s were grounded, and of the remaining all but four of the planes attached to the squadron were restricted to level flight and to airspeed <180 knots until repaired. 30* dive rocket runs were discontinued in all a/c assigned to squadron.

3/17/45 48891/78 (Lt. Moorehead, VPB-136) DTC A The first section of VPB-136 departed Attu, having completed duty with FAW4. Enroute to Whidbey Island, Lt. Moorehead ditched his PV-1 near Karluck village on the west side of Kodiak Island. Crew were rescued by 28' dory, plane lost.
Ferry flight.
Teirney, Patrick F. Jr., Sherman, Kenneth I., Fitzpatrick,​ Charles L., Moran, John P., Keurskens, Fred W., Glennon, William J.​

3/20/45 PV-2 37307 (Milliken, G. M. Jr. FAW-6) LAC C Red Bluff, Bidwell Field CA​
Ferry new Naval aircraft​
Charnock, I. B., Keaveni, M. B., Carter, Mike

3/26/45 29731 (James F. Rumford, VPB-135 NOLF Coupville WA,) TOA A - lost power in one engine on takeoff, swerved off runway causing considerable damage to the a/c. No injury to personnel.
Vawter, John E., Befus, Edward P., Bradbury, Russell H., Askew, Benjamin V.​

3/26/45 PV-2 37065 (Lt. Dulin, VPB-139) LAC at Shemya. On instrument approach through severe snow squall, overshot the runway, crashed and burned. Two crew members uninjured, the rest required hospitalization for multiple lacerations; all recovered satisfactory.

4/7/45 49648/89 (James E. Patton, VPB-131) while on landing approach to Casco field, was caught in turbulent wind, went into spin, and hit the water 1/4 mile off the runway. Operational search flight. All hands lost, despite immediate rescue effort.
Lt. (Jg) Shelton, Kenneth A., Ens. Shellenberger, Dale V., Seifert, George R. AMM3c, Wanta, Joseph Hubert ARM3c, Knaws, Charles L. AOM1c.

4/23/45 PV-2 37075 (Lt. William D. See, VPB-139, NAS Attu) MIS ​A Routine sector search, off Attu Island.
Ens Jack H. Hawley, Ens Russel F. Miller, John P. Carr ARM2c, Randolph C. Keister AOM2c, Richard D. Callecod AMM2c

5/13/45 PV-2 37339 NAS Whidbey TAC C (parked a/c)

5/16/45 48918 (Taylor, James M , VPB-199 NAS Whidbey Isl) TAC B
Familiarization flight​​
Bratt, Richard T.​, Simmons, Archie A., Mead, Raymond E.

6/6/45 PV-2 37044 (Cogan, A. B., VPB-136, NAS Whidbey Isl) TAC C​
Madson, R. P., Boberg, S. E., Coleman, C. H., Phillips, C. E., Burns, C. W. M.​

8/2/45 PV-2 37734 (Lt. Jay R. Ellenberger, VPB-199) KCR A -crashed on training night-flare attack on shipping. NAS Whidbey Island approx. 11 miles south of Port Angeles, WA.
Ens. Frederick A. Graham, Robert W. Schmidt, AOM3c, Thomas H. Couston, AMM1c, Robert G. Shimshak, ARM1c, O. S. Parker, ACRT- passenger​

8/31/45 49645 (Tyrell, John R., VPB-199, NAS Whidbey Island) LAC B- damaged when starboard landing gear collapsed upon landing. Personnel uninjured. Starboard engine nacelle and wing of a/c damaged.
Rocket training​.
Dyer, Narcel E., Breman, William E., Witzofsky, Joseph C., Bliss, Harry K.​

9/6/45​ PV-2 37386 (Reinhart, William J., VPB-130 NAS Whidbey Isl) TAC D​
Night familiarization flight
Barksdale, Ralph B., Artioli, Louis J., Kasturas, Peter G., Hurley, Robert E.​

10/2/45 PV-2 37363 (Ashton, S. VPB-130, NAS Whidbey Isl, 10 mi N of) MAC D- Midair collision Rocket training​
Dickhavs, R. V., Brown, A. J., Jones, L. E.​

10/2/45 PV-2 37389 (Blue, W. H. Jr., VPB-130, NAS Whidbey Isl, 10 mi N of) MAC C​
Rocket training​
Aloision, V., Hart, W. F., Cubley, V. E., Collier, C. E., Wozniak, T. J., Pike, O. J., Sherman, W. L., Brown, J. F.​

10/2/45 PV-2 37435 (Paine, E. G., VPB-130, NAS Whidbey Isl) TAC D- taxiing accident
Rocket training
Trachym, P. S., Weist, P. G., Kabelka, J. R., Uhrik, F. M.,  Renz, C. W.​



Possibly 29743
PV-1 33433/36V VB-139 Attu
PV-1 33433/36V VB-139 Attu
PV-1 34640/32V VB-139 Attu
PV-1 34640/32V VB-139 Attu
PV-1 34640/32V VB-139 Attu
PV-1 33433/36V VB-139 Attu
PV-1 33433/36V VB-139 Attu

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